Join Keski-Suomen Argillanderit

To become a member, you must belong to this family. If your details are not in the family register, or you know they are not in the family register, please fill in the ancestry information on the form as best you can. If your details are in the family register, you can leave the pre-trip fields blank.

To join the Society, pay the membership fee, which is sent with the Sukuside magazine. The magazine is published in the spring. If you apply for membership after the magazine is published, you will receive the magazine and an invoice upon acceptance into the Society.


In order for us to add you and your family to the genealogical database correctly, please provide the birth and death dates, if any, of your grandparents, parents and family, occupations, dates of marriages and divorces, cohabitations. You can also tell stories about the person, and submit any other material you would like the society to record. It's worth going back to these things even after you've joined, as changes happen - you may even have an article for the next Sukuside magazine.

As a member, you can access the members' page on our website, where you will find all the Sukuside magazines, photos, clippings, memoirs of family members and family trees, which we add there subject to data protection regulations.

Members of the Family Society are entitled to use the family crest, which can be downloaded from the members' website.

Spouse, joins as a supporting member
I agree that my data will be stored in the genealogical database and kept in accordance with the genealogical register and membership register description.
My data may be published in the family book